Dynamic Multiplication Table in Go – Code Example & Guide


In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate a dynamic multiplication table based on user input in Go. You’ll get hands-on experience with loops, conditions, and user input in Go.

A multiplication table is a set of results showing how one number (the multiplier) interacts with other numbers (the multiplicands). For example, the multiplication table for 5 looks like this:

5 x 1= 5
5 x 2= 10
5 x 3= 15
5 x 4= 20
5 x 5= 25
5 x 6= 30
5 x 7= 35
5 x 8= 40
5 x 9= 45
5 x 10= 50

In this exercise, we will build a program where the user can input any number, and the program will generate the multiplication table for that number.

To create a dynamic multiplication table in Go, we need to :

Key Concepts in Go
1- loops :

We will use a for loop to repeat an action multiple times. In this case, we repeat the multiplication for numbers 1 through 10.

2- User Input:
3- Conditions :

Let’s break down how we’ll structure the program :

Writing the Code :

Now that we have the plan, we can write the code. We’ll :

Complete code :

package main

            import "fmt"
            // Function to generate the multiplication table
            func multiplicationTable(number int) {
                fmt.Printf("Multiplication Table for %d:\n", number)
                for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ { // Looping from 1 to 10
                    fmt.Printf("%d x %d = %d\n", number, i, number*i)
            func main() {
                var number int
                // Ask the user for a number to generate the multiplication table
                fmt.Print("Enter a number to generate the multiplication table: ")
                // Check if the number is positive
                if number <= 0 {
                    fmt.Println("Please enter a positive number.")
                } else {
                    multiplicationTable(number) // Generate and display the table

Common Mistakes to Avoid :

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